March 17, 2011

Baby Good Night

a/n: haaaaaai saya lagi nyoba buat fanfic berbahasa inggris nich. semoga aja berhasil. cuman kayaknya masih banyak banget grammatical errornya hehehe. seperti biasa, ini fanfic 2MIN~ cuman ceritanya pendek banget dan garing hehehe. mohon kasih komen ya ^^

Baby Good Night

Minho closed his eyes as he broke the phone conversation between heim and Taemin. Lee Taemin, is such a beautiful name in his ears. Hearing his soft voice through phone made him want to talk to his lover more and more.
He wondered what will Taemin do after the last conversation for that day . Would he fell a sleep? Or continued his study? Or thinking about him? Or... Thinking about another guy that caught his attention? Minho's mind full of negative thoughts.He couldn't handle it and decided to grabbed his phone back to check his beloved boyfriend.

"Hello, Taemin? Are you already fall a sleep?" Minho asked in worried.
"Hello hyung. Not yet. I still listening to the iPod while thinking about you, about us, about our future hehehe," He grinned. "What makes you call me again?"
"Nothong Tae. I just already miss your voice hehehe"
"I miss you too, hyung"
They then in silence.
"Taemin," Minho started the conversation.
"Can I asked you something?"
"Of course hyung. What's that?"
"Hmm, how much do you love me?"
Taemin really don't know ho much he loved his lover. He just love him so much, lo him more than anything that ever exist in this world. He even never calculate how strong his love to him. He love Minho so damn much.

"I don't know..." He turned his sight to the fish that swam in the fishpond. "I love you so much. I never calculate my love to you. My love is more than a word to you, to be honest."
"I love you even more, Lee Taemin"

They blushed.

"Taemin" he called his lover again.
"Promise you will never leave me no matter what. I can't live without your love. I just love you so mmmmmmuch," he smiled.
"You too hyung, I promise."
Again silence filled between this romantic conversation.

"Babe, this is late at night already. Nor good for your health if you still awake," Minho advice his lover, broke the silence.
"Okay, you go to sleep too hyung"
"Baby, good night"

~The End~

March 03, 2011

Welcome back!

Saya kembali lagi loh :>
Setelah selama setahun kita tak berjumpa :")
Akhirnya kita berjumpa lagi!!!
Huahaha~~ (?)

Wakakak, gue mosting lagi loh!
Tenang-tenang, jangan pada khawatir gue bakal menghilang dari dunia per blog-an gitu dong akakakak. Aku ga akan ninggalin kalian semua kok, sungguh :')
Selama ini gue menghilang karena....

Gue lupa email blog gue =))

Alasan yang unik bukan chingudeul ^^
Hahaha, iye alesannya aneh. Abis gimana orang lupa kan kagak inget ._.
Setelah sekian ribu kali gue nyoba ngutak-atik alamat email akhirnya ketemu juga, haaaa!! *peluk*

Hem, sekarang mau ngomongin apa ya.... Oh ya, kegiatan gueselama menghilang aja ya huahahaha~~ *berasa penting*

Ehem, selama gue hilang ini, banyak banget kejadian-kejadian yang ga mengenakan yang terjadi di sekitar kehidupan gue. Ada juga sih yang enaknya, cuman banyakan yang ngga enaknya :x

Oh iya, btw gue pengen bikin ff pake bahasa inggris ga jadi-jadi -_-